Damn……I really can’t believe that the semester is fast approaching and that we would be able to get this far. When I first started college via a computer, I was really on the edge of how things were going to work out and that if I was going to be able to work well as for the course of the semester. Never in a million years, would I have thought that things would be the way they are and that we were going to live in such a period of loss. As individuals, this pandemic has shown us to appreciate those around us and not to take things for granted. This pandemic has changed our lifestyle, but as New Yorkers we know what is like to be strong and not let things defeat us. Defeat is what leads us to our downfall and as people, we have to prevent that. Also this week, I was reviewing and talking with other professors about the upcoming final exams and papers that have to be given in by the end of the semester. It’s quite a stressful period, but resilience is what is going to keep many of us to work hard and do well in our finals.
This week in class, we did a reading by George Saunders, known as “Elliot Spencer”, which is a novel that is unique and one of the most interesting ones we have read this semester in class. I really enjoyed this reading because it taught me that language and style of a text is important towards creating this connection with the audience. This helps get across this meaning that the author want us to get across in our heads. It’s a story that really was worth the read and would like to read other stories, just like it. Besides that, we did a proposal of what we’re going to do for our final research essay for this class, which would consist of a question that we’re going to analyze and discuss, through the use of research. I really look forward for this assignment and I hope that everything works as planned and not to get that overwhelmed with the many things upon many of us, not only me.
A final thing, is that I just wanted to say that my psychopathology writing class, was one of the chillest and fair classes I ever took this semester. It was a class, that taught me how to distinguish myself and express myself in writing. It has taught me the importance of reading and that writing has an impact on how we display things on paper.