Gerardo’s Weekly Journal #12

This week was one of those weeks, where you didn’t feel the days go by. All of a sudden it was already Sunday and another week is about to start again. Pretty much this week, the only major thing I did was completing a primary source analysis for my US history classes which consisted of the use of documents and evidence that would support the claim I made in my paper. I was a bit stress with it because it was a big chunk of my class grade and if I do bad, it would have a great impact on my overall grade for that class. Lately, I have been a bit stress thinking of the things to come and the finals that are fast approaching. I’m literally worry with what’s to come and the way finals would look like for many of my classes. My biggest fear is doing bad in them and messing up my whole class grade which can have an impact in my overall standing in college. Overall, I hope for good things to come and have luck in my side.

Now turning over to what we did this week in my psychopathology class, is that we discussed our opinions on the novels we chose to read and the 2 genres we would like to work on for our upcoming project. Overall, I really enjoyed reading “We Have Always Lived in the Castle” by Shirley Jackson and consider it one of his best works that I have read from him. Also, for the 2 genres I chose to do a poem and a piece of art/drawing which would incorporate many of the things both characters experienced through the course of the book. In other terms, I will see ways in how to incorporate what I read into those two pieces. Overall, I hope to get a better idea of what to do as I progress through the project. Additionally, this week is Thanksgiving and can’t wait to stuff myself with food and all side dishes most of my family tends to do.

I hope to have a nice week and a very relaxing thanksgiving break.

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